Friday, April 24, 2015

Trusting the pilot

    Many things in life are a simple a choice, that we make difficult. I am a horrible decision maker. I make choice probably way more difficult that they should be. Yet, I can't help but overthink things. I just do it. It annoys me that I do it, but it's just how I process things.

    I am trying to not overthink things that much because overthinking usually leads to thinking about the worst possible outcome of the decision. Then I worry, try to take control of my own life, and crash. I really don't think God wants me to overthink things, because that then leads to worrying about things, and trying to take control of my life... And, I've learned way too many times how that often turns out; with a crash landing. God just wants me to trust him.

   God gave me this example a few weeks ago and it has reminded me a lot to just God, so I'm just going to share it. I don't know how to fly a plane. If I did fly a plane right now, guess what.... I'd probably crash it. Thank God I'm not a pilot... So, me trying to take control of my own life is like me trying to take over the position of the pilot in an airplane. I can't do it. I'd crash it. I do crash it. I am not a pilot (or a leader for that matter)...God asked me a few weeks ago, why I keep trying to take over his position as the pilot...

   Um, ouch.

   He then asked me if I would do that in an actual airplane. "Um, no..." He then continued to question me more and said, "When you're in an airplane, where are you?" I kinda started to overthink this question thinking, "well I could be in the bathroom, or walking down the aisle or jumping out....."  and  then stopped myself and said, " Usually sitting down in my seat and trusting the pilot to get me where I need to go safely."

  "Trust me." God said, "I am your pilot, and I am perfect. If you can trust a mere man to get you where you need to be safely without failure, why can't you just let go of the wheel and trust me?" When God convicts you about something, it is pretty much going to be a "wow." moment. That's what I had.

    Maybe that's a silly example, but it's the one that God gave me. I still try to take control of my life sometimes, but I crash it. Doesn't work. But, when I trust God with my life and don't try to take control, but rather try to enjoy the ride, things are beautiful.

    If I hit some turbulence (or rough spots) in my life, I know who has control of it and I know that I can trust God, because he will never fail me. I just get to enjoy the ride. Even in the rough patches of life there is beauty to be found. God make beautiful things, even in the trials and in pain there is beauty... You just have to relax, trust the pilot, and enjoy the ride.


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