Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Letting go

   Sometimes it's hard to let go of things. We hold on so tightly, and it feels painful to loosen our grip and let God take the reigns sometimes. We want to be in control...

   God wants us to let go. 1 Peter 5:7 says, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
He wants to free you from what is holding you back. God is willing to carry our burden for us, and yet, how come we keep holding it ourselves?-- Because we are human. We like to be in control of things and like to try to control the situation.

   I wanted to be in control of a certain situation that I have been struggling with. I wanted things to change in MY timing... I wanted everything to be okay in my timing. I was stressed and anxious about the future, and when people told me to let go and let God, I just couldn't... I tried, but then kept trying to take it back.

   Letting go is a process. For me, every time I feel like I can control the situation again, I have to remind myself that I can't, but God can. I need to trust in Him and rely on him. I feel so free. God has this in his control.

   What about you... Are you trying to control something that you can't?

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