Monday, February 2, 2015

Hurts and healings

   Sometimes before healing there has to be pain. Sometimes you have to reopen wounds in order to cleanse them deeply and remove all the infection. A wound that isn't clean can't properly heal. It will only worse and become full of infection from the filth that has become trapped in it. When that happens, it can only become more painful to reopen and clean. Yet it has to happen or it will only become worse and more painful.

   Life is full of wounds. Some of them are smaller, and some bigger. I'm the sort of person that tends to hide the pain I'm dealing with. I'm realizing that cleansing emotional wounds is a lot like physical wounds.

   When you get a paper cut, sometimes it can be small or sometimes bigger. All the same it hurts for awhile but then it gets better. You don't try to open the paper cut because it only makes it sting more... But imagine for a second if after you got the paper cut you just ignored it and figured it'd get better and then when to go play in the dirt. You'd get filth in the wound. Unless you properly cleaned it with soap and water it would get infected and it would only become worse.

   It's the same way with emotional hurts. Someone might say something hurtful towards you or might be mean to you. It causes hurt. It might start out small, but then it might get bigger because you didn't deal with it when you probably should have. It becomes infected and more painful. You try ignore it but it just grows and becomes bigger and more of problem to deal with. It becomes more painful.

Ignoring the hurt is not the solution. Hiding and trying to forget about the hurt is not the solution.

  So, then when it becomes bigger and more painful, you decide to reopen it and try to get rid of all the filth. It's going to be painful. You're reopening and infected wound. It's gonna hurt. Sometimes, the other person involved in creating the wound in the first place won't admit it and doesn't want to deal with. But you can't. Realize that even though someone else created the wound, there is someone greater who can help you heal it. Jesus. 

  Emotional hurts are very painful if we allow them to become big. I know. I've hidden a lot of my life for a long time. I ignored the hurt and the pain that was forming and didn't take the time to clean it. Reopening the wounds is extremely difficult. Yet, it's good. It's cleaning the infection and making it better.

   When you get a splinter in your finger, if you don't deal with it becomes infected and painful. But, if you pull it out when it happens, it won't have time to get infected. It's a good kind of pain. A pain that says, "It's okay now."

   God heals.

  Sometimes it's easier at first to ignore the small wounds and let them fester and get infected. Then you begin to realize how painful they are and how much you can't do because you're focused more on the pain than what you need to do or what God wants you to do.

   It's better to deal with it in the beginning before the wound only becomes deeper and more painful to deal with later on. For me, it's painful. I've hidden a lot and I didn't realize it at first, but let it get infected because I ignored dealing with it to start... It built up and created infection... Tension... Pain....

   Reopening the past; the wounds; the hurts is very difficult. I know. It hurts. The infection becomes exposed and it's disgusting to look at and is painful to deal with. But opening and cleaning a wound is a good pain. A pain that just once again means "It's okay now."

   Does healing mean there won't be a reminder; a scar? No. There will always be that mark. The mark of pain and of healing... It's a reminder. A reminder of how you dealt with it and cleaned it so now it's just a scar. Painful to remember but no longer painful to deal with.


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